2023 Reading Challenge Prompts

Challenge Guidelines

It's your challenge, complete it your way.

We intentionally do not call these rules, as we feel passionately that reading should be enjoyable and not encumbered with do and don't lists. To that end, take these guidelines and the prompts and interpret them as you want.

Questions or feedback? We would love to hear from you. Message us on Facebook or Instagram, post in the Facebook group, or shoot us an email.

  • Cozy Mysteries only.

    • This is the only hard and fast rule. This challenge was built to expand our love within the Cozy genre so feel free to pull selections from all sub-genre's but the books must be a Cozy Mystery to count.

  • One Book Per Prompt

    • Unless you want to check off five prompts with the same book, then go for it. 😉 Your challenge your rules remember.

  • Participate

    • We love to see your posts on Instagram, read your comments, on Facebook, and see what books you've added to the prompts on Storygraph. It's so much more fun when everyone participates, and we Mods get bored when it's just us talking and posting.

2023 Standard Prompts

Prompt #1

Set in a different time period

Prompt #2

Companion that isn't a dog or cat

Prompt #3

Has a beverage recipe

Prompt #4

Paranormal or Magical

Prompt #5

Set somewhere you'd like ot vacation

Prompt #6

Sun, Moon, or Stars on the cover

Prompt #7

A cozy matching the season

Prompt #8

A cozy opposite the season

Prompt #9

Male Author

Prompt #10

Main Character is different than you

Prompt #11

An author who uses initials

Prompt #12

A past Book Chat selection you haven't read

Prompt #13

A library book

Prompt #14

A reread

Prompt #15

Serves a food you'd like to eat

Prompt #16

Includes a celebration

Prompt #17

Includes a home project

Prompt #18

Judge a book by it's cover

Prompt #19

Has a setting different from yours

Prompt #20

Has a purple cover

2023 Bonus Prompts

Bonus Prompt #1

Three cozies by the same author

Bonus Prompt #2

Cozy without murder

Bonus Prompt #3

Read the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue covers)